Careers with Blue Coral Concepts
Blue Coral Concepts employs over 700 people across locations that are diverse in character and synonymous with the personable, relaxed guest experience we seek to deliver on every occasion. Our brands include Ribs & Burgers, Italian Street Kitchen and Five Guys in multiple locations across different states from CBD areas to suburban hubs.
Critical to our successes is our greatest asset; our People. It is through them that we continue to lead the market segments in which we compete across service experience and food quality, and it’s through them that we will continue to grow and excel in all that we do.
current positions
If you are smart, self-motivated and passionate about hospitality, we want to work with you. We seek talented professionals who have a true passion for and understanding of how to make a unique, memorable experience for our guests. Our latest open positions are available from the links below by brand, or you can send us a position enquiry via the form. We look forward to hearing from you.
Enquire Today
Blue Coral Concepts Instagram
The ISK Perth and ISK NSW team members spent a day in the sun celebrating a belated and well earned Christmas Party following the hectic silly seasons @italianstreetkitchen #italianstreetkitchen #teamwork #relaxationtime #peoplefirst #funinthesun ☀️🕶️

Combined @seagrasspeople and @bluecoralconcepts QLD Christmas celebrations. #merrychristmas #bluecoralconcepts #seagrassbhg #teamspirit

A behind the scenes look at an R&B photoshoot in action! True collaboration and teamwork is at the heart of everything we do at Blue Coral concepts #collaboration #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #ribsandburgers #bluecoralconcepts # #newmenucomingsoon‼️‼️‼️ @ribsandburgers

Melbourne Roadshow:
Members of the Blue Coral Leadership team recently took the opportunity to visit all R&B stores in Melbourne and connect with our #1 RM leaders. It was a chance to engage in meaningful conversations about brand direction, tour the stores, and explore ways to better support them in their leadership roles. Most importantly, we wanted to express our gratitude for the incredible contributions they make to the business.
No matter how busy the leadership team gets, it’s essential to prioritise time with the RMs who are at the forefront of driving our success. We loved hearing about ways they would improve the business. Special thanks goes to our VIC Ops Coach, Harry M for his incredible hospitality during our visit. We appreciate all that you do Blue Coral #bluecoralconcepts #numberoneleaders #hospitalityexcellence #ribsansburgers